Admissions open for the Academic Year 2025-26 from Pre-KG to Grade X -Contact the school office for further details Ph -080-28392711

Special Features


The school Library is well equipped with variety of Books which provide information, inculcate ideas, moral values and develop knowledge that is very essential to function successfully in today’s competitive world.


Sporting activities find an important place in our Institution. We recognize that play is one of the most natural and important forms of recreation. It is also the best way to improve one’s health and spirits. Special coaches are appointed for training the students in various games like Shuttle Badminton, Volleyball, Throw Ball, Table Tennis, Netball & Chess.

All children should take part in Sports & Games. Children with health problems should give prior intimation to the school and are requested to desist from sports events.


Yoga has been an integral part of Health. It has a positive impact on psychosocial and mental development of students. It helps to create an atmosphere of confidence, enthusiasm and improves listening skills of students. It also increases concentration, focus and attention span of students. Yoga classes are taken regularly by an experienced yoga teachers.


It is worth mentioning that our school has Band coaching classes for Higher Primary & High School students. They are trained by an experienced band master. Students are actively taking part in various parades & have won many awards for their wonderful performance.


The school has arranged Abacus classes to develop the students’ ability to solve arithmetic calculations in the mind without the use of pen, paper or calculator. This training enables the students to develop skills like better Memory, Concentration, Logical Thinking, Visualization, Observation, Imagination, Creativity, and Reasoning & Analytical Ability. In today’s world, time is very important and this tool (abacus) will help the children immensely as complex calculations can be done quickly and with accuracy

Students are keenly participating in the competitions and have won many awards at District level & State level.


Music, Key Board and Tabala classes are important co-curricular components of education offered in our Institution and classes are held regularly by well experienced artists/singers. We have a well-equipped music unit with good instruments such as Tabala, Key Board, Congo and others. Students who are interested can enrol to the classes in the beginning of the year. The best learners are given ample opportunities to exhibit their talents in school functions. 

Next Education

The school has introduced Next Education Smart Class to make learning an enjoyable experience for students. It improves academic performance of the students. Students can witness the related information on the screen & this visual image gets fixed in their mind easily. It also enables teachers to instantly assess and evaluate the learning achieved by the students in class room. It has been found that students are gaining better Academic knowledge from the smart classes.

News Paper In Education

The school is a member of Times of India NIE student edition. The school encourages the students to subscribe NIE News paper to cultivate the habit of regular newspaper reading and to update the knowledge in all the areas. Students can improve their comprehensive skills, participate in different activities, including events which are informative, educative and entertainment- based. An array of workshops, privilege programmes, school reporter and star correspondent programmes are conducted by the Times NIE.

The school had the privilege to bring out the Times NIE Guest Edition of the news paper on Children’s Day, 14th November 2014. It was quite a unique & exciting experience for St. Mary’s team. This activity had helped to enrich the knowledge and enhance the skills of all the participants.

Pupilpod Software

The school has introduced Pupilpod software during the academic year 2012-13. It is an online software through which parents can receive all the information about unexpected holidays and daily attendance of the students through SMS and E-mail. Parents could use the online fees portal facility to make payment of their ward’s fees


Educational robotics is a learning environment in which the students’ involvement is motivated by the design and construction of robot creations. Science and technology are extremely popular with today’s life; they are also a pathway to career opportunities in the future. Students of all ages enjoy hands-on construction activities, so that aspect of robotics is accessible across the board;

House System

To encourage the competitive spirit among the students & to cultivate greater discipline, the school management has a House Division Scheme for the Students.

The pupils are divided into four groups in each class and are bunched together at school level so that each house will have members of all age groups. Each group is given a name and coded with a particular colour. The main objective of this system is to develop leadership skills, team spirit, co-ordination, mutual respect and care, which are the key ingredients for a successful life in today’s competitive world.

Most of the competitions conducted in the school are in- line with house system mechanism in terms of participation and prizing. The four houses are named as below:

  1. Cauvery
  2. Ganga
  3. Sindhu
  4. Yamuna

Inter house project display on various topics, is conducted four times in a year to unearth the hidden talents and to nourish the younger minds for a bright and enterprising future.
It is compulsory for every student to be member of a house. Each house is under the charge of a House Mistress along with House Masters and Prefects


Today’s world is a technical world where science and Information Technology play a vital role in our lives. The smallest of the activities are entwined with technology. In order to give more scope and emphasis on widening the technical knowledge, we have formed five clubs for students:

  1. Apsara Science Eco Club
  2. Information Technology Club
  3. Kannada Karanji Club
  4. Sports Club
  5. The Quill Literary Club

Students can enrol to any one of the clubs to enrich their knowledge bank by participating in the various activities of the clubs. The speciality of the clubs is that the subject faculty is also enrolled as a member in order to give proper guidance by virtue of their expertise and experience in the subject. Science exhibition and periodical competitions are conducted to bring out the hidden talents of the students.

The school is a member of Jawaharlal Nehru Planetarium. Students are enthusiastically taking part in various competitions conducted by Planetarium to exhibit their talents & are awarded with appreciation certificates. Every year students of our school are selected to participate in Exhibitions conducted at JNP.